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there is a cool guy named Richard, and on monday he said he wanted to be baptized. Richard is penecostal. he loves God. he owns a c...
Ok, If you send things to the mission home it will take at least two or three weeks for me to ever see it.... that is why I sent you the a...
so guess what.... I went through all my old planners and counted up how many days I have been on my mission. and then I went and continued ...
I've realized something: I've lost a gift/talent I used to have and still love. I can't read the books I used to read, and I...
Thank you for the letter.... I know it's hard and that you are busy, but those letters are sooooooo helpful! I need physica...
Happy st. Patrick's day! also, happy birthday to me :) the 17th fell on a Sunday this year, so on Saturday I played the "I...
maybe that title is a bit confusing... I personally have not moved, but my internet presence has! I am now blogging at: http://twen...
yesterday was my 4 month mark :) yay for me. this week was really slow. we are definitely having a hard time here, but the people we ar...
first of all. TRANSFERS I'm not going anywhere. yay :) neither is sister Hatch. so it was kinda like nothing happened.... transfers are...
I love knowing how to cook! I made cookies and brought them to district meeting. yeah... I'm gonna be missed :) ...