yay for me.
this week was really slow. we are definitely having a hard time here, but the people we are teaching are AMAZING!
there is a less active sister that has so much love of the gospel. she has a smoking issue... I don't think she totally understands the importance of following the commandment and why we have them... but we are working with her on that and she is making serious strides! she has opened up so so so much in the past few weeks and will talk with us about her concerns for her family. earlier this week she shared her story about her son who died just a few moment after he was born and how she has been so worried because he was never baptized. who would have thought that a member of the church would understand the Plan of Salvation so little? we explained it to her and she cried and cried. it was amazing! I've been trying to understand the plan of happiness better myself... I've struggled my whole life with the "eternal perspective" and I'm just now starting to comprehend what it all means, and my favorite thing is to learn this for myself and then teach it! it helps me and helps others. win win situations!
I made my own Plan of Salvation cutouts. they are the cutest things! I need to take a picture when they are completely finished and show you.... I'm so proud of them! I also made an little Armor of God display that we show to members with children. it's a blast! I love getting creative with missionary work :)
soooo, Sister Magness just sent me this picture... what the ! so trippy.

as promised... here is the quick version of my last day in claremore :)
my three favorite picture from claremore!
#2) sister Blackwell. an older lady we met with. we went to say goodbye to her and right after I took that picture she got a call from the doctors office saying that her "stress test" had come back and it was "abnormal" so she needed to go the hospital right away... like ambulence sort of right away. sister magness and I jumped on her and tried to help her gather her stuff and get her phone out to call 911 but she finally had to shout at us to stop and told us to kneel with her a pray. we both felt kinda silly that we hadn't thought of that. we stayed with her till the abulence took her away. I wrote her a letter, she is back home and fine now.

#3) Kim and her son Eric. aka, the ditch lady. this is the woman that sister magness drove into her ditch and we started to teach her the gospel. she has a problem with smoking.... but Eric is so ready and so willing to join the church! she called us one day and left the most amazing message saying he wanted us to help him talk to his dad about being baptized. they are amazing, and someday, it will all come together for them.