today we went to Tahlequah! we walked through a Cherokee village and learned about this cool history. the tour guide even danced and sang... coolest thing was the spirit that was there! wow, I can't wait to come home and research the indian history! it's Book of Mormon history, ya know? just as he was talking I could see the book of mormon stories coming to life and the links and truths unfolding. coolest experience. even better was that the people who took us are not members! He bought me a T-shirt that has the Cheroke symbol on it. so neat!
I did service on Saturday at the bishops store house. Loved it so much! the people that came were from Sapulpa and Claremore and Owasso... so all my old friends! that was amazing. I didn't realize how much I loved these people till I had to leave them! and then when I got to see them again, it all sank in!
Sunday was the craziest day of my mission yet! we had a goal for 20 lessons that week and we were only at 12... so we skipped lunch and dinner and just went insane! it was amazing and we did end up with out 20 total lessons! it felt really good :)
I am so thankfull for this area and the people here! I am being fed really well, and people have been willing to give me the Gluten free stuff that I need. I feel so much better and I can do the work so much better when I stay away from that nasty flour! I'm so glad that I have an area that lets me eat what I need to and I'm so grateful for a companion that watches out for me so fiercely. if I don't tell members that I can't eat something, you know she will! Sister Empey has my back!
I wish I could get pictures on this computer.... bummer!
Jesse's Baptism is on the 23rd :) yay! we had it announced in church and the bishop said "sister Jesse" yeah... he is totally a boy... but whatever! it didn't bother him in the slightest! he is so ready and so prepared! he is just about teaching us all the lessons at this point :)
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