I'm not sure these computers will let me upload pictures....
I'll try next week....
wait, no I won't because next monday is a holiday... I think I won't be E-mailing next week at all. oh dear!
Sapulpa is HUGE... and we don't have a lot of miles on our car so we walk. we walk alot. luckily it's cooling down a little.... a little.
shotgunning an area is the hardest thing ever! we have no clue whats going on!
sister Hatch is my companion... eventually I'll get a picture to you.... we need to take a picture...
she is cool. she loves Anime and relates everything back to it. she is a character :)
I did an exchange back to Claremore this week.
I cried the WHOLE time!!!
we visited some old investigators and I learned some things that I would rather not have known.
Jason (a guy sister Magness was teaching who came to church... just had to quite smoking...) we knocked on his door and a different lady answered and said he had been evicted and was living out of his car! him and his girlfriend and his 12 year old son. it made me sick! how do we find him, how do we help him? and worse yet.... I'm not in Claremore anymore. I don't get to know the rest of this story! the sisters in Claremore just rolled it off. they've dropped some people I wouldn't have dropped.... made me sad. I didn't realize how much I loved those people until this week.
but Sapulpa has its own set of people to love! I just need to move on, I guess..... easier said then done though.
we are teaching a kid who is 17 and was tracted into by the sisters 5 months ago and wants to start taking the lessons now. he is GOLDEN!
we also have 2 part member less active families that are ready to return to the gospel and take the lessons... they are amazing :)
we were out walking to the library for service and we ran into another guy who was intrigued by the name tags and started asking questions... we got his info and we will visit with him later.
so sapulpa is amazing in it's own way....
our apartment still freaks me out, but it's so close to everything it's easy to walk which is good.
well, time is up.
sorry about the lame mail.
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